Let's see how to learn coding in 3-months.
Maybe, we will not master coding but at least we can attend an interview
Week 1:
Learn Computer Science Basics:
Introduction to Computer Science, Computational Thinking, Binary, and ASCII Algorithm Complexity
Link: Click Here
Week 2 :
Learn the Basics of Python
Variables, Input/Output, Operators and Expressions, Functions, Recursion, Files
Links: Code Basics(1-14 videos are enough).
Week 3:
Learn Debugging Skills:
We have run the program without errors.
Links: Code Basics, Python Debugger, Tech with Tim
(watch some more videos, I found these are some of the best videos)
Week 4,5,6 :
Learn Data Structures, These are fundamental blocks of every code
Links: Code Basics, Edureka, Data Structures
Books: Data Structures and algorithmic thinking with python by Narasimha karumanchi. (If you cannot find a pdf of this book, contact me)
Week 7,8 :
Learn SQL Basics
DataBases are important in various fields(both in machine learning and web development).
Links: Khan Acadamy, SQL Basics
Week 9,10:
Learn remaining Python-like OOPs concepts and others.
Links: Code Basics(from 15th video), Oops
Book: Powerful Object-oriented Programming Learning python by Mark Lutz, David Ascher
Week 11,12:
Learn Algorithms, BigO notations, etc.
Links: Code Basics(from 13), Khan Acadamy
After Completing these
Try to do LeetCode, Hacker Rank.
Book: Cracking Coding Interview ( try to do this book)
Note: This process is applicable only for python learners, people who want just the basics of python, and people who are interested to come towards Data Science.
After Completing the entire process, then you can follow my other blog "Path to get into Data Science Role"
Note: This is not any promotion kind of thing, I just shared some of the best sources to learn which helped me
Thanks for reading 💓.
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